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日期: 2022-06-28 信息来源: 点击数:


一、 基本信息







2. 二维材料及器件.


1. 2016年,湖北省大学生创新创业项目Ti3SiC2/Zr异质结界面结构和力热学性质的第一性原理计算研究.

2. 201912月,材料模拟计算科研团队荣获湖北科技学院学术研究类“优秀学生团队”荣誉称号.

3. 20195月,指导学生李敏参加湖北省第十二届挑战杯大学生课外科技作品竞赛,荣获三等奖.

4. 202009月,指导本科毕业设计论文“全无机卤化物钙钛矿CsPbBr3的可重复切换效应在忆阻器方面的应用”被湖北省评审联盟评为2020年优秀学位论文.

5. 20215月,指导学生杨旭鑫参加湖北省第十三届挑战杯大学生课外科技作品竞赛,荣获二等奖.

6. 20215月,指导学生王子浩参加湖北省第十三届“挑战杯”大学生课外科技作品竞赛,荣获二等奖.

7. 20225月,指导学生参加湖北省核+X作品竞赛荣获湖北省二等奖.

8. 20227月,推荐国家级大学生创新创业项目:多功能场效应晶体管的制备和应用研究.

五、 科研教研项目与成果

1. 2016年6月,国家核电重大专项横向课题:MAX/Zr异质结界面结构和热力学性质及H离子扩散特性的第一性原理计算研究.

2. 2016年湖北科技学院校级教研课题:《工程热力学》课程教学中学生自主学习能力培养的研究与实践.

3. 2017年湖北省教育厅科研计划项目:磷烯结构GeSe/SnSe异质结材料光电性质研究.

4. 2017年湖北省科技厅科研计划项目 :GeSe/SnSe范德华异质结能带调控和光学性质研究. 


6. 2018年湖北科技学院科研创新团队项目:新型功能结构材料设计与物性预测.



9. 2021年湖北科技学院校内科研项目(辐射化学与功能材料湖北省重点实验室研究专项):多孔液体的电子束辐照制备及其微结构研究.

10. 2022年湖北科技学院创新创业重点孵化项目:二维磷化铝晶体光电性质研究.


1.  Two-dimensional aluminum phosphide semiconductor with tunable direct band gap for nanoelectric applications, RSC Advances, 2020 .SCI收录)   

2.  First-principles study of hydrogen incorporation into the Ti3AC2/Zr (A=Si, Al) heterojunction materials, Modern Physics Letters B, 2020.SCI收录)   

3.  Unidirectional Invisibility Induced by Complex Anti-Parity–Time Symmetric Periodic Lattices, Appl. Sci. 2019.  (SCI收录)

4.  Two-dimensional SnSe/GeSe van der Waals heterostructure with strain-tunable electronic and optical properties, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 2019.SCI收录)

5.  Growth orientation-related enhancement of electrical properties in TiO3-based composite films, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2019.SCI收录)  

6.  Arsenene and antimonene doped by group-VA atoms: first-principles studies of the geometric structures, electronic properties and STM images, Physica B, 2019.  (SCI收录)

7.  Effects of stacking and strain on the electronic properties of the few layered group-ⅣA monochalcogenides heterojunctions, RSC Advances, 2018. SCI收录)   

8.  First-principles study on electronic structure, elasticity and thermodynamic properties of Ti3AC2/Zr (A=Si, Al) van der Waals heterojunction materials, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 2018.  ( SCI收录)  

9.  Lead-Free, Air-Stability Ultrathin Cs3Bi2I9 Perovskite Nanosheets for Solar Cells, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, September 2018.  ( SCI收录)   

10. Magnetism of a relaxed single atom vacancy in graphene, Physica B, 2018.  (SCI收录)

11. Prediction on the physical properties of CuInS2 with various anion positions. Current Applied Physics, 2018. ( SCI收录)    

12. Temperature- and frequency-dependent dielectric response and energy-storage performance in high (100)-oriented Sc doped BiTiO3 films. RSC Advances, 2017. SCI收录)

13. Mechanochemistry of graphene: Tuning ion absorption on graphene via strain, Physica B, 28 September, 2017. ( SCI收录)  

14. Thickness- and temperature-dependent structural and electromechanical properties of (100)-oriented Sc-doped BiTiO3 Ferroelectric Films, RSC Advances, 2017. SCI收录)  

15. Reproducible switching effect of an all-inorganic halide perovskite CsPbBr3 for memory applications, Ceramic International, 2017.SCI收录)   

16. Pressure-dependent structural, electronic and optical properties of ZnO with native defect: A first-principle study, Modern Physics Letters B, 2016.  ( SCI收录)

17. The structural, electrical and optical properties of Mg-doped ZnO with different interstitial Mg concentration, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2016.  ( SCI收录)


版权所有:湖北科技学院核技术与化学生物学院 联系方式 地址:咸宁市咸安大道88号,电话:0715-8265089 E-mail:34431143@qq.com