李泽宇 简历
湖北科技学院, 非动力核技术研发中心, 副教授
(1) 2015-09 至 2019-06, 武汉理工大学, 材料科学与工程, 博士
(2) 2009-09 至 2013-06, 中北大学, 高分子材料科学与工程, 学士
(1) 2021-12 至今, 湖北科技学院, 非动力核技术研发中心, 副教授
(2) 2019-07 至 2021-12, 湖北科技学院, 非动力核技术研发中心, 讲师
(1) 国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年科学基金项目, 51802237, 钛酸钡/聚合物复合电介质中纳米填料的空间分布与取向调控及储能性能研究, 2019-01-01 至 2021-12-31, 26万元, 在研, 参与
(1) 湖北省教育厅, 科学研究计划中青年人才项目, Q20212806, 聚偏氟乙烯/氮化硼的辐射交联及其高温介电储能研究, 2021-01 至 2022-12, 2万元, 在研, 主持
(1) Li, Zeyu; Shen, Zhonghui; Yang, Xin; Zhu, Xiaoming; Zhou, Yao; Dong, Lijie; Xiong, Chuanxi; Wang, Qing ; Ultrahigh charge-discharge efficiency and enhanced energy density of the sandwiched polymer nanocomposites with poly(methyl methacrylate) layer, Composites Science and Technology, 2020, 202: 108591 (期刊论文)
(2) Yang, Xin; Zhu, Xiaoming; Ji, Liudi; Hu, Peng; Li, Zeyu ; Largely enhanced energy storage performance in multilayered ferroelectric polymer nanocomposites with optimized spatial arrangement of ceramic nanofillers, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2020, 139: 106111 (期刊论文)
(3) Li, Zeyu; Liu, Feihua; Yang, Guang; Li, He; Dong, Lijie; Xiong, Chuanxi; Wang, Qing ; Enhanced energy storage performance of ferroelectric polymer nanocomposites at relatively low electric fields induced by surface modified BaTiO3 nanofibers, Composites Science and Technology, 2018,164: 214-221 (期刊论文)
(4) Li, Zeyu; Liu, Feihua; Li, He; Ren, Lulu; Dong, Lijie; Xiong, Chuanxi; Wang, Qing ; Largely enhanced energy storage performance of sandwich-structured polymer nanocomposites with synergistic inorganic nanowires, Ceramics International, 2019, 45(7): 8216-8221 (期刊论文)
(5) Du, Xiaolong; Li, Zeyu; Xu, Tao; Wang, Jitian; Yan, Shengliao; Dong, Lijie ; Flexible poly(vinylidene fluoride)-based composites with high breakdown strength and energy density induced from poly(anthraquinone sulphide), Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 379: 122328 (期刊论文)
(1) 王庆; 李泽宇 ; 一种取向排列钛酸钡纳米纤维的制备方法, 2016-1-23, 中国, CN201610044180.2