1. 湖北科技学院校内培育科研项目,21471161,辐射接枝制备Ag+吸附树脂及其对Ag+吸附性能的研究, 2018/01-2019/01,1万元,已结题,主持
2. 北京市自然科学基金项目,2152009,自治化学-机械材料转换过程中的协同优化效应研究, 2015/01-2017/06,18万元,已结题,参加
3. 首都师范大学实验室开放基金项目,多反馈pH体系中反馈匹配研究,2015/04-2016/04,2500元,已结题,主持
4. 首都师范大学实验室开放基金项目,载酶响应性水凝胶以及酶催化反应对pH振荡系统中反馈的动力学调控, 2015/04-2016/04,2500元,已结题,主持
1. X. Yang, Z. Dong, M. Zhang, J. Du, L. Zhao*, Selective Recovery of Ag(I) Using a Cellulose-Based Adsorbent in High Saline Solution, Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 65(4) (2020) 1919-1926.
2. X. Yang, Q. Pan, Y. Ao, J. Du, Z. Dong, M. Zhai, L. Zhao*, Facile preparation of L-cysteine-modified cellulose microspheres as a low-cost adsorbent for selective and efficient adsorption of Au(III) from the aqueous solution, Environmental science and pollution research international (2020).
3. Z. Dong, X. Yang, Q. Pan, Y. Ao, J. Du, M. Zhai, L. Zhao*, Performance and mechanism of selective adsorption of silver to L-cysteine functionalized cellulose microsphere, Cellulose 27(6) (2020) 3249-3261.
4. H. Niu, Y. Li, X. Yang*, K. Liu, X. Li, L. Ji*, Oscillation alternation in pH oscillator with additional feedback species, Chemical Physics Letters 757 (2020).
5. Xin Yang , Yi Zhou, Lin Ji, Yanhui Ding, JianquanWang, X. Liang, Experimental Evidence of Large Amplitude pH Mediated Autonomous Chemomechanical Oscillation, Polymers 9(11) (2017) 554.
1. 杨鑫,丁延会,张天宇,周逸,吉琳,内含缓释井的侧透开放反应器,2015.12.02,中国,ZL 2015 2 0465069.1
2. 丁延会,杨鑫,张天宇,周逸,吉琳,一种易调节装载量的开放式反应器用小型载酶装置,2015.12.02,中国,ZL2015 2 0465067.2